We charge $97 a month for each student what is included is listed below. If you cannot afford this amount due to financial situations we can work with you on a better price or even give it to you for free if you cannot afford it Insha Allah
Dkir Journey Lifelong Learning includes:
- Many things are included with the monthly payment for example each student will receive:
- A binder that will be organized, inside the binder will be dividers with each area they will be learning for example they will be learning:
- Allah 99 Names
- Quran
- Sunnah
- Prayer
- Ruqyah
- Strength
- Survival
- Be careful
They will earn many rewards (items) on their journey.
- Life straw
- Boy or girl bow and arrows
- Flash light
- Walkie talkies
- And much more items Insha Allah
Student will be tested once a week on a Saturday or Sunday if they pass what they learn they earn their reward (item) and move to the next level and mission to earn their next reward (item).